But perhaps its more than football? Look, we all know Tom Cruise is gay. And his 5 year, $25 million, no-sex contract (which is up in 2010) with Katie Holmes has assured us that Suri was the product of a sexy three-way between Mrs. Cruise, Mrs. Holmes and Mr. Turkey Baster. But if he had been forced to stick his wee-wee in Katie's hoo-ha in order to concieve a child to avoid the persistent rumor that he was caught in bed with Matchbox 20's Rob Thomas, I think that I have an idea of what he painted on his eyelids to get through the humiliation of vaginal sex.
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Of course!
Imagine your asskickin-est squad is losing 5-1 to a team of drunken criminals, it's late in the game and who ELSE but ole Mav to the rescue. With his secret "advanced goal-scoring technology" that only the most powerful scientologists have access to, he blasts those shit-faced 'roos back to Helatrobus!
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